Young Brothers Stamp Works Steel Alphabet Letters & Figures 3/32" teel Letter Character W in USA Specification


Young Brothers Stamp Works Steel Alphabet Letters & Figures 3/32

Young Brothers Stamp Works Steel Alphabet Letters & Figures 3/32" teel Letter Character W in USA Specification

Manufacturer product ID: 02272W. Hand cut and taper-ground to make "factory perfect" impressions when marking custom rifle barrels and other metal objects you want to professionally identify. Made from only the finest quality steel, selected for its proven ability to stand the gaff, then heat-treated to three distinct hardnesses. The character end is hardened to rc 62 to prevent chipping. Hammer end is crowned and hardened to prevent mushrooming and the center is hardened to transmit the hammer blow.Sharply cut gothic characters ensure a deep, clear impression. Smooth, ground taper improves appearance and eliminates cracks that sometimes develop in a rough taper. Each stamp is individually inspected and marked Manufacturer: young brothers stamp works inc specs: steel stamps stocked in 1/16" (1.6mm) and 3/32" (2.4mm) sizes. The characters are cut into the end of a steel bar measuring " (6.4mm) square x 2-3/8" (6.0cm) long. Purchase as sets or by the individual piece. High quality gunsmith number & letter stamps in U.S.A. specification by Young, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 990501223-990600200-11354.

Indicative Price: USD 6.99
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    Gunsmith Number & Letter Stamps USA Specification
    Manufacturer product ID: 01272X. Hand cut and taper-ground to make "factory perfect" impressions when marking custom rifle barrels and other metal objects you want to professionally identify. Made from only the finest quality steel, selected for its proven ability to stand the gaff, then heat-treated to three distinct hardnesses. The character end is hardened to rc 62 to prevent chipping. Hammer end is crowned and hardened to prevent mushrooming and the center is hardened to transmit the hammer blow.Sharply cut gothic characters ensure a deep, clear impression. Smooth, ground taper improves appearance and eliminates cracks that sometimes develop in a rough taper. Each stamp is individually inspected and marked Manufacturer: young brothers stamp works inc specs: steel stamps stocked in 1/16" (1.6mm) and 3/32" (2.4mm) sizes. The characters are cut into the end of a steel bar measuring " (6.4mm) square x 2-3/8" (6.0cm) long. Purchase as sets or by the individual piece. High quality gunsmith number & letter stamps in U.S.A. specification by Young, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 990501124-990600100-11354.

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    Gunsmith Number & Letter Stamps USA Specification
    Manufacturer product ID: 02272S. Hand cut and taper-ground to make "factory perfect" impressions when marking custom rifle barrels and other metal objects you want to professionally identify. Made from only the finest quality steel, selected for its proven ability to stand the gaff, then heat-treated to three distinct hardnesses. The character end is hardened to rc 62 to prevent chipping. Hammer end is crowned and hardened to prevent mushrooming and the center is hardened to transmit the hammer blow.Sharply cut gothic characters ensure a deep, clear impression. Smooth, ground taper improves appearance and eliminates cracks that sometimes develop in a rough taper. Each stamp is individually inspected and marked Manufacturer: young brothers stamp works inc specs: steel stamps stocked in 1/16" (1.6mm) and 3/32" (2.4mm) sizes. The characters are cut into the end of a steel bar measuring " (6.4mm) square x 2-3/8" (6.0cm) long. Purchase as sets or by the individual piece. High quality gunsmith number & letter stamps in U.S.A. specification by Young, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 990501219-990600200-11354.

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    Manufacturer product ID: 20924. Hand cut and taper-ground to make "factory perfect" impressions when marking custom rifle barrels and other metal objects you want to professionally identify. Made from only the finest quality steel, selected for its proven ability to stand the gaff, then heat-treated to three distinct hardnesses. The character end is hardened to rc 62 to prevent chipping. Hammer end is crowned and hardened to prevent mushrooming and the center is hardened to transmit the hammer blow.Sharply cut gothic characters ensure a deep, clear impression. Smooth, ground taper improves appearance and eliminates cracks that sometimes develop in a rough taper. Each stamp is individually inspected and marked Manufacturer: young brothers stamp works inc specs: steel stamps stocked in 1/16" (1.6mm) and 3/32" (2.4mm) sizes. The characters are cut into the end of a steel bar measuring " (6.4mm) square x 2-3/8" (6.0cm) long. Purchase as sets or by the individual piece. High quality gunsmith number & letter stamps in U.S.A. specification by Young, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 990501234-990600200-11354.

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    Gunsmith Number & Letter Stamps USA Specification
    Manufacturer product ID: 02272G. Hand cut and taper-ground to make "factory perfect" impressions when marking custom rifle barrels and other metal objects you want to professionally identify. Made from only the finest quality steel, selected for its proven ability to stand the gaff, then heat-treated to three distinct hardnesses. The character end is hardened to rc 62 to prevent chipping. Hammer end is crowned and hardened to prevent mushrooming and the center is hardened to transmit the hammer blow.Sharply cut gothic characters ensure a deep, clear impression. Smooth, ground taper improves appearance and eliminates cracks that sometimes develop in a rough taper. Each stamp is individually inspected and marked Manufacturer: young brothers stamp works inc specs: steel stamps stocked in 1/16" (1.6mm) and 3/32" (2.4mm) sizes. The characters are cut into the end of a steel bar measuring " (6.4mm) square x 2-3/8" (6.0cm) long. Purchase as sets or by the individual piece. High quality gunsmith number & letter stamps in U.S.A. specification by Young, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 990501207-990600200-11354.

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    Manufacturer product ID: 10920. Hand cut and taper-ground to make "factory perfect" impressions when marking custom rifle barrels and other metal objects you want to professionally identify. Made from only the finest quality steel, selected for its proven ability to stand the gaff, then heat-treated to three distinct hardnesses. The character end is hardened to rc 62 to prevent chipping. Hammer end is crowned and hardened to prevent mushrooming and the center is hardened to transmit the hammer blow.Sharply cut gothic characters ensure a deep, clear impression. Smooth, ground taper improves appearance and eliminates cracks that sometimes develop in a rough taper. Each stamp is individually inspected and marked Manufacturer: young brothers stamp works inc specs: steel stamps stocked in 1/16" (1.6mm) and 3/32" (2.4mm) sizes. The characters are cut into the end of a steel bar measuring " (6.4mm) square x 2-3/8" (6.0cm) long. Purchase as sets or by the individual piece. High quality gunsmith number & letter stamps in U.S.A. specification by Young, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 990501130-990600100-11354.

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    Manufacturer product ID: 20926. Hand cut and taper-ground to make "factory perfect" impressions when marking custom rifle barrels and other metal objects you want to professionally identify. Made from only the finest quality steel, selected for its proven ability to stand the gaff, then heat-treated to three distinct hardnesses. The character end is hardened to rc 62 to prevent chipping. Hammer end is crowned and hardened to prevent mushrooming and the center is hardened to transmit the hammer blow.Sharply cut gothic characters ensure a deep, clear impression. Smooth, ground taper improves appearance and eliminates cracks that sometimes develop in a rough taper. Each stamp is individually inspected and marked Manufacturer: young brothers stamp works inc specs: steel stamps stocked in 1/16" (1.6mm) and 3/32" (2.4mm) sizes. The characters are cut into the end of a steel bar measuring " (6.4mm) square x 2-3/8" (6.0cm) long. Purchase as sets or by the individual piece. High quality gunsmith number & letter stamps in U.S.A. specification by Young, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 990501236-990600200-11354.

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    Gunsmith Number & Letter Stamps USA Specification
    Manufacturer product ID: 01272S. Hand cut and taper-ground to make "factory perfect" impressions when marking custom rifle barrels and other metal objects you want to professionally identify. Made from only the finest quality steel, selected for its proven ability to stand the gaff, then heat-treated to three distinct hardnesses. The character end is hardened to rc 62 to prevent chipping. Hammer end is crowned and hardened to prevent mushrooming and the center is hardened to transmit the hammer blow.Sharply cut gothic characters ensure a deep, clear impression. Smooth, ground taper improves appearance and eliminates cracks that sometimes develop in a rough taper. Each stamp is individually inspected and marked Manufacturer: young brothers stamp works inc specs: steel stamps stocked in 1/16" (1.6mm) and 3/32" (2.4mm) sizes. The characters are cut into the end of a steel bar measuring " (6.4mm) square x 2-3/8" (6.0cm) long. Purchase as sets or by the individual piece. High quality gunsmith number & letter stamps in U.S.A. specification by Young, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 990501119-990600100-11354.

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    Gunsmith Number & Letter Stamps USA Specification
    Manufacturer product ID: 01272D. Hand cut and taper-ground to make "factory perfect" impressions when marking custom rifle barrels and other metal objects you want to professionally identify. Made from only the finest quality steel, selected for its proven ability to stand the gaff, then heat-treated to three distinct hardnesses. The character end is hardened to rc 62 to prevent chipping. Hammer end is crowned and hardened to prevent mushrooming and the center is hardened to transmit the hammer blow.Sharply cut gothic characters ensure a deep, clear impression. Smooth, ground taper improves appearance and eliminates cracks that sometimes develop in a rough taper. Each stamp is individually inspected and marked Manufacturer: young brothers stamp works inc specs: steel stamps stocked in 1/16" (1.6mm) and 3/32" (2.4mm) sizes. The characters are cut into the end of a steel bar measuring " (6.4mm) square x 2-3/8" (6.0cm) long. Purchase as sets or by the individual piece. High quality gunsmith number & letter stamps in U.S.A. specification by Young, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 990501104-990600100-11354.

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    Gunsmith Number & Letter Stamps USA Specification
    Manufacturer product ID: 01272C. Hand cut and taper-ground to make "factory perfect" impressions when marking custom rifle barrels and other metal objects you want to professionally identify. Made from only the finest quality steel, selected for its proven ability to stand the gaff, then heat-treated to three distinct hardnesses. The character end is hardened to rc 62 to prevent chipping. Hammer end is crowned and hardened to prevent mushrooming and the center is hardened to transmit the hammer blow.Sharply cut gothic characters ensure a deep, clear impression. Smooth, ground taper improves appearance and eliminates cracks that sometimes develop in a rough taper. Each stamp is individually inspected and marked Manufacturer: young brothers stamp works inc specs: steel stamps stocked in 1/16" (1.6mm) and 3/32" (2.4mm) sizes. The characters are cut into the end of a steel bar measuring " (6.4mm) square x 2-3/8" (6.0cm) long. Purchase as sets or by the individual piece. High quality gunsmith number & letter stamps in U.S.A. specification by Young, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 990501103-990600100-11354.

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    Gunsmith Number & Letter Stamps USA Specification
    Manufacturer product ID: 01272T. Hand cut and taper-ground to make "factory perfect" impressions when marking custom rifle barrels and other metal objects you want to professionally identify. Made from only the finest quality steel, selected for its proven ability to stand the gaff, then heat-treated to three distinct hardnesses. The character end is hardened to rc 62 to prevent chipping. Hammer end is crowned and hardened to prevent mushrooming and the center is hardened to transmit the hammer blow.Sharply cut gothic characters ensure a deep, clear impression. Smooth, ground taper improves appearance and eliminates cracks that sometimes develop in a rough taper. Each stamp is individually inspected and marked Manufacturer: young brothers stamp works inc specs: steel stamps stocked in 1/16" (1.6mm) and 3/32" (2.4mm) sizes. The characters are cut into the end of a steel bar measuring " (6.4mm) square x 2-3/8" (6.0cm) long. Purchase as sets or by the individual piece. High quality gunsmith number & letter stamps in U.S.A. specification by Young, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 990501120-990600100-11354.

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    Gunsmith Number & Letter Stamps USA Specification
    Manufacturer product ID: 01272L. Hand cut and taper-ground to make "factory perfect" impressions when marking custom rifle barrels and other metal objects you want to professionally identify. Made from only the finest quality steel, selected for its proven ability to stand the gaff, then heat-treated to three distinct hardnesses. The character end is hardened to rc 62 to prevent chipping. Hammer end is crowned and hardened to prevent mushrooming and the center is hardened to transmit the hammer blow.Sharply cut gothic characters ensure a deep, clear impression. Smooth, ground taper improves appearance and eliminates cracks that sometimes develop in a rough taper. Each stamp is individually inspected and marked Manufacturer: young brothers stamp works inc specs: steel stamps stocked in 1/16" (1.6mm) and 3/32" (2.4mm) sizes. The characters are cut into the end of a steel bar measuring " (6.4mm) square x 2-3/8" (6.0cm) long. Purchase as sets or by the individual piece. High quality gunsmith number & letter stamps in U.S.A. specification by Young, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 990501112-990600100-11354.

    Young Brothers Stamp Works Steel Alhpabet Letters & Figures 1/16" teel Letter Character I in USA Specification
    Young Brothers Stamp Works Steel Alhpabet Letters & Figures 1/16" teel Letter Character I in USA Specification

    USD 6.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)

    Gunsmith Number & Letter Stamps USA Specification
    Manufacturer product ID: 01272I. Hand cut and taper-ground to make "factory perfect" impressions when marking custom rifle barrels and other metal objects you want to professionally identify. Made from only the finest quality steel, selected for its proven ability to stand the gaff, then heat-treated to three distinct hardnesses. The character end is hardened to rc 62 to prevent chipping. Hammer end is crowned and hardened to prevent mushrooming and the center is hardened to transmit the hammer blow.Sharply cut gothic characters ensure a deep, clear impression. Smooth, ground taper improves appearance and eliminates cracks that sometimes develop in a rough taper. Each stamp is individually inspected and marked Manufacturer: young brothers stamp works inc specs: steel stamps stocked in 1/16" (1.6mm) and 3/32" (2.4mm) sizes. The characters are cut into the end of a steel bar measuring " (6.4mm) square x 2-3/8" (6.0cm) long. Purchase as sets or by the individual piece. High quality gunsmith number & letter stamps in U.S.A. specification by Young, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 990501109-990600100-11354.

    Young Brothers Stamp Works Steel Alhpabet Letters & Figures 1/16" teel Letter Character R in USA Specification
    Young Brothers Stamp Works Steel Alhpabet Letters & Figures 1/16" teel Letter Character R in USA Specification

    USD 6.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)

    Gunsmith Number & Letter Stamps USA Specification
    Manufacturer product ID: 01272R. Hand cut and taper-ground to make "factory perfect" impressions when marking custom rifle barrels and other metal objects you want to professionally identify. Made from only the finest quality steel, selected for its proven ability to stand the gaff, then heat-treated to three distinct hardnesses. The character end is hardened to rc 62 to prevent chipping. Hammer end is crowned and hardened to prevent mushrooming and the center is hardened to transmit the hammer blow.Sharply cut gothic characters ensure a deep, clear impression. Smooth, ground taper improves appearance and eliminates cracks that sometimes develop in a rough taper. Each stamp is individually inspected and marked Manufacturer: young brothers stamp works inc specs: steel stamps stocked in 1/16" (1.6mm) and 3/32" (2.4mm) sizes. The characters are cut into the end of a steel bar measuring " (6.4mm) square x 2-3/8" (6.0cm) long. Purchase as sets or by the individual piece. High quality gunsmith number & letter stamps in U.S.A. specification by Young, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 990501118-990600100-11354.

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    USD 6.99 (Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)

    Gunsmith Number & Letter Stamps USA Specification
    Manufacturer product ID: 01272B. Hand cut and taper-ground to make "factory perfect" impressions when marking custom rifle barrels and other metal objects you want to professionally identify. Made from only the finest quality steel, selected for its proven ability to stand the gaff, then heat-treated to three distinct hardnesses. The character end is hardened to rc 62 to prevent chipping. Hammer end is crowned and hardened to prevent mushrooming and the center is hardened to transmit the hammer blow.Sharply cut gothic characters ensure a deep, clear impression. Smooth, ground taper improves appearance and eliminates cracks that sometimes develop in a rough taper. Each stamp is individually inspected and marked Manufacturer: young brothers stamp works inc specs: steel stamps stocked in 1/16" (1.6mm) and 3/32" (2.4mm) sizes. The characters are cut into the end of a steel bar measuring " (6.4mm) square x 2-3/8" (6.0cm) long. Purchase as sets or by the individual piece. High quality gunsmith number & letter stamps in U.S.A. specification by Young, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 990501102-990600100-11354.

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