Pachmayr F325b Deluxe Black Base Field Recoil Pad 1.1" Medium Black Stipple Face in USA Specification


Pachmayr F325b Deluxe Black Base Field Recoil Pad 1.1

Pachmayr F325b Deluxe Black Base Field Recoil Pad 1.1" Medium Black Stipple Face in USA Specification

Manufacturer product ID: 314. A favorite design for fast shooting. Shape, construction and hardness make it ideal for shotguns or large caliber rifles. Manufacturer: pachmayr specs: small, 1.80" (4.6cm) x 5.15" (13.1cm). Medium, 1.90" (4.8cm) x 5.40" (13.7cm). Large, 2.05" (5.2cm) x 5.70" (14.5cm). 1" 2.54cm, 1.1" (2.79cm), 1.15" (2.92cm). High quality universal shooting recoil pads in U.S.A. specification by Pachmayr, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 690121158-690121157-261365.

Indicative Price: USD 28.99
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    Manufacturer product ID: 10551. Using limbsaver's most advanced energy absorption technology, airtech slip-on recoil pads are the quickest way to reduce felt recoil by up to 70%. Improves shooting comfort, reduces risk of accuracy loss caused by flinching, and helps you shoot tighter groups. Simply slide one over the stock of your rifle, shotgun, or muzzleloader without any irreversible modifications of the gun (though removal of factory recoil pads is recommended) - and you'll instantly feel the difference the next time you pull the trigger. Advanced atmospheric chambers inside the soft, navcom pad absorb and dissipate recoil energy. Will work on most curved and flat stocks. Manufacturer: limbsaver specs: small: 1&prime. Thick l.O.P. / 4 1/2" x 1 1/2"up to: 4 13/16" x 1 5/8". Medium: 1&prime. Thick l.O.P. / 4 13/16" x 1 5/8"up to: 5 1/8" x 1 3/4". Large: 1&prime. Thick l.O.P. / 5 &n. High quality universal shooting recoil pads in U.S.A. specification by Limbsaver, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 100015282-100015281-261365.

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    Universal Shooting Recoil Pads USA Specification
    Manufacturer product ID: 60110LB. Shock-absorbing sorbothane really soaks up recoil. Features a tapered toe for a snug fit that does not dig into your shoulder. The heel features a round contour that lets you bring the gun up fast and easy, without grabbing your clothes. Provides repeatable, consistent gun mounting for greater comfort and accuracy. Attractive, leather face. Manufacturer: kick-eez specs: includes screws. 2" (5cm) x 5-5/8" (14.3cm) thick - 1.2" (3cm). Thin -.940" (2.4cm) maximum thickness. High quality universal shooting recoil pads in U.S.A. specification by Kick-Eez, buy online with confidence at best discount price and fast shipping to USA. Distributor Item Nr: 440000023-440000023-261365.

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